
just a hum

i'm so over it! really....surreal still it seems. withdrawal symptoms that used to jarr like clanging cymbals in my head now only is a constant hum.
i smile.
i feel healthy again.

free. wow.


mum's the word

thank you God for mothers
thank you God especially for my mum!

she's been so much to me a post like this skims only the surface:-

mummy's been my literal home for my first 9months
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my most concerned doctor
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my award winning committed teacher
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my favourite chef
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my window to the outside world
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and most of all my biggest fan!
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Happy Mother's Day, mummy!! I love you.


in a rut

there's something about aeroplane air...

after flying from sydney to melbourne last friday, a nagging dry cough's seized my lungs and is annoying! also heard stories beforehand from friends who went through similar experiences…or it’s just me not wearing a scarf in the chilly Melbourne weather like what sharene pointed out. persisting in praying for my own healing – just last night before bed, I’d pray over myself (sounds weird…don’t do enough of that really!) and there’d be a release. then a few hours later, it creeps back in. ugh.

speaking about praying, i discovered something in God’s word today. sometimes i find myself getting into a ‘rut’ and not knowing what/how to pray. just this morning, this question lingered between the conscious and the sub-conscious and without even asking God, He shows me this:

Psalm 122:6-7

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Those who love you will prosper
Peace be within your walls and
Prosperity within your palaces.

(Peace = peace with God/individual’s personal relationship with God)
(Prosperity = fruitful/thriving in work given by God)