
one moment

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i love mornings like this, especially midweek. no need to scamper off to work, just the crisp morning air rushing in and gentle sunlight flooding through the glass. a mug of hot chocolate giving all its warmth to icy fingers - lingering thoughts from last night's conversations...heart skipping to see what today will bring!


to breathe again

breath trickles in
clutter clears up
pictures focus

time ticks slower - life renewed
i love these moments...


more and less

God loves to bless us. period. most of the time, i realise i tend only to desire and focus on the blessings of the abundance that i overlook the blessings already there for every single one of my needs.

last night, God reminded me through psalm 107:8-9 to give Him thanks for His unfailing love and wonderful deeds for men for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

i am reminded His love covers not only the 'bigger' things in life.
it's for every thirst, every hunger, every need...

replaces the loneliness that creeps in at three in the morning,
erases the guilt i take myself through when i stuff up,
hears the frustrations escaping in whispers between breaths,

the god of the more and most of all the less.


old journals

i love journaling - in hard copy. never realised how much i love it until recently when i was looking for something particular in one of my entries. books and books of journals are now sitting by my bedside. still haven't found that entry i was looking for, but have now begun reading through my past entries. and i found this:

She who reconciles the ill-matched threads of her life,
and weaves them gratefully into a single cloth
- it's she who drives the loudmouths from the hall and clears it for a different celebration
where the one guest is You.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

greggie wrote it in one of the many journals he's given me. i want to be her. my one guest is the King of all kings.